A Fortune 100 Consumer Products Company
Objective: Develop a model of U.S. Hispanic and Canadian Chinese acculturation
Action: In both countries, New American Dimensions conducted extensive ethnographies, in-language and in English, followed by a quantitative market segmentation study employing factor analysis.
Result: New American Dimensions developed an acculturation model for each market which identified the trajectory of acculturation and its impact on brand affinity. This led our client to shift marketing strategy toward more acculturated Hispanics and Chinese consumers.
A Leading Telecom Company
Objective: Reduce Churn
Action:New American Dimensions conducted quantitative interviews to identify sources of customer dissatisfaction and a model, based on demographic, behavioral and attitudinal factors, in order to enable the client to access its existing database and identify high risk customers.
Result:Using correlation analysis, New American Dimensions developed a profile of at-risk customers. We worked closely with the company’s CRM department to develop a model for predicting who these customers were and the reasons leading to their dissatisfaction. We reduced churn among Hispanics by 30%.