by David Morse | Uncategorized
There are some unmistakable trends in the latest Pew Research Center Study, which analyzes U.S. Census Bureau data. – Asian-American population is now the fastest growing segment of the U.S., overtaking the growth rate of U.S. Latinos. – U.S. Hispanic...
by David Morse | Uncategorized
Ask just about anyone about MSG and they’ll wrinkle their noses and shake their heads. Monosodium Glutamate is one of those substances that everyone assumes is bad, otherwise why would everyone insist on no MSG. But they might have a difficult time...
by David Morse | Uncategorized
Did you know that Emma Stone was half-Asian? We didn’t either. Actually she isn’t. She’s very white. But that didn’t stop Cameron Crowe from casting her as a quarter-native Hawaiian, quarter-Chinese character for his new movie...