by David Morse | Uncategorized
There is some good news and bad news about suicides in the U.S. Across the country, suicides have increased nearly 30 percent since the turn of the century. That’s the bad news. But there’s good news for Hispanics, at least in California. Although Latinos...
by David Morse | Uncategorized
While the discussion over immigration, legal and illegal, devolves further into a cesspool of anti-hispanic rhetoric and tantrums over building a wall on our southern border, a shift in who is coming to the U.S. has been in effect for a few years. A recent Pew...
by David Morse | Uncategorized
Photo credit Greg Nash The U.S. Senate has lost one of its lions, and, predictably, the coverage of John McCain’s death ranges from hagiography to screed to everything in between. That middle ground is most interesting. For those who aren’t...
by David Morse | Uncategorized
If you are one of the people who rolls their eyes when they see a juxtaposition of “Trump” and “reelection” – because he can’t run for office from jail – just take a minute and consider an alternate scenario. A scenario where...
by David Morse | Uncategorized
There are some unmistakable trends in the latest Pew Research Center Study, which analyzes U.S. Census Bureau data. – Asian-American population is now the fastest growing segment of the U.S., overtaking the growth rate of U.S. Latinos. – U.S. Hispanic...